Paula Zvane

Visual artist

London based visual artist. Recipient of Cecil Lewis sculpture scholarship 2021.She has studied painting, performance and sculpture in Latvia, Iceland, United Kingdom, participated in numerous art projects, residencies, exhibitions worldwide. Merging and transforming shapes and forms of nature to find connection and common ground between species and narratives foreign to one another.She works with a wide range artististic mediums and materials turning her ideas  into objects.

Paula Zvane

Zvane’s artistic discourse seems fostered by a ritualistic impulse which, echoing theprimordial and the mystic, delves into life’s potential for transmutation and renewal.

She dialogues with the ribs of the earth, life remains and detritus such as animalskeletons, shells, fungus and leaves, witnessing her relationship with the natural environment. Unfolding where mourning merges with celebration, in Paula’s visceralpoetics, plants are braided as hair, skin is grown out of bacteria, latex becomesshelter or trap, and fur scraps morph into uncanny creatures. Playing with the codesof monstrosity she tries to make sense of the unknown, ultimately addressing aprimitive conflict intrinsic to nature and humans alike.

Paula participated in multiple international group shows and residencies, includingthe Skaftfell (Seyðisfjörður) Art residency, “Dear figure, whom did you hang out withlast night?” show at Mark Rothko Museum (2024), shes been nominated for Purvitisprize for her first solo show “INVISIBLE” The Dream Room, Look Gallery, Riga,Latvia (2024)

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